What to do During a Power Outage

It’s always a shock when the power goes off unexpectedly! From severe weather through to a malfunction somewhere on the grid, there are all sorts of reasons why your property can suddenly be left without electricity. Knowing what to do in the event of a power outage means you stand the best chance of you and your property remaining relatively unscathed. Read on for our top tips should a power outage hit.

1. Check if other properties in the area are affected

A quick look out of the window should be enough to confirm whether your property is the only one affected, or whether a wider area has been hit. If it appears that only your property has been affected, check your motherboard for a blown fuse or similar problem.

2. Switch appliances off and unplug them

If the power suddenly comes back on, there could be a power surge, potentially fusing and/or damaging your electrical appliances. Unplug what you can. Remember to switch boilers, ovens and similar to the “off” position. This will prevent unwanted heating in the event that power is restored. We recommend leaving on a single light, so that you will know when power is restored.

3. Leave the fridge and freezer shut as far as possible

The contents of most freezers will stay frozen for somewhere between 24-48 hours with the power off, provided the door is kept shut. Similarly, fridges will usually maintain their temperature for around 24-hours if the door is kept shut. After that period, remember to check foodstuffs from the fridge for signs of perishing before consuming them, even if they’re still in date.

4. Use alternative sources of heat, light and power responsibly

Remember that outdoor sources of heating and lighting aren’t necessarily suitable for use indoors. BBQs, chimeras and fire pits can be extremely dangerous if used indoors. Not only is there a risk of fire, deadly carbon monoxide and other toxic gases may also be released. If you’re using candles for lighting, make sure they’re fixed securely. Check that all candles are extinguished at night, and don’t leave a candle unattended.

5. Outdoor generators aren’t necessarily suitable as a grid replacement

Some households may have access to a portable generator. A popular method of providing power on construction sites or other locations where access to the grid isn’t a possibility, it’s important to remember that a generator can’t always be used to power domestic electrical appliances. Your electrical set-up will need altering in advance to create the necessary switchover facility. Smillie Electrical is able to do this work for you, as well as complete a wide range of other electrical installation, repair and inspection tasks. Get in touch to find out more.

If you are at risk of power outages, keeping a fully charged power bank (to charge your phone whilst the power is off), is always a good idea. Similarly, a torch and battery-powered radio can be useful items to have to hand.

Smillie Electrical is here to help! For assistance with electrical faults, installations, alterations, updates, testing and inspection, please get in touch.

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